Facilities develop Risk Management Plans (RMPs) to account for key hazardous materials (hazmat) release threats and their potential impacts on communities and the environment. Facility RMPs are submitted to Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) and local agencies, which use the information to learn about community hazmat exposure and understand ways in which industry partners safeguard against hazmat releases.
In 2016, Texas A&M Transportation Institute researchers conducted an RMP-inspired analysis for the La Porte, Morgan’s Point, and Shoreacres LEPC that focused on truck and rail hazmat transportation in the LEPC area.
TTI has also conducted analyses of facility risks to help local officials evaluate potential impact areas in case of a chemical release. Using chemical inventory lists, TTI reviewed the facility materials use and storage report information, evaluated potential impacts, and developed geo-spatial databases on potential chemical release incident impact areas and vulnerable populations, critical facilities, and special population facilities. We don’t post this information publicly, but provide it to the local emergency planners we work with on these projects so they can engage their Local Emergency Planning Committee members and response partners about equipment and training needs for their communities.
Our project team also created a new checklist that local officials can use to improve evaluations of chemical facility emergency plans. Please contact Dr. Bierling if you are interested in a copy of the checklist.